Creating Audience In Marketing Cloud

Flows to build Audience in Marketing Cloud

  • Click on Audiences > Build An Audience > Preview Audience > Save Audience
  • Dashboard > Actions > Build Audience > Preview Audience > Save Audience
  • Click on Existing Audience > Edit Audience > Preview Audience > Save Audience
    Click on Audiences > Copy and Rename an Existing Audience > Edit Audience> Save Audience

How to Create Audience

  1. Login to Marketing Cloud
  2. Navigate to the Audience Builder using any of the flows listed above
  3. Select criteria to Include or Exclude from your Audience. Criteria to select from include:
    1. Firmographic
      1. Industry: Click on Industry for the Industry code options pop up
        1. Options available here are SIC, NAICS and Linkedin Indusrties codes
        2. NAICS code is selected by default
        3. 2-4 NAICS is available currently
        4. You can then opt for SIC or the LinkedIn Industries
          1. LinkedIn Industries should not be selected for Intent Monitoring and Content Syndication campaigns
        5. Select all industries of the selected category
        6. Select preferred industry(ies) options
        7. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
      2. Employee Size: Click on Employee Size to select employee size ranges if required
        1. Options available here are Employee Size and LinkedIn Employee size
        2. LinkedIn Employee size should not be selected for Intent campaigns
        3. Select all selects all available employee sizes criteria
        4. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
      3. Revenue: Click on the Revenue to select the Revenue range(s) to include or exclude
      4. Location: Click Location to select locations to include or exclude, it is advisable to select only USA at the moment as Intent data is only available for USA
        1. Select all available location criteria as needed
        2. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
      5. Location Type: Select here to include or exclude location type(s) of choice.
        1. Location types to choose from are:
          1. Headquarters
          2. Branch
          3. Standalone
        2. Select all available location types criteria
        3. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
      6. Domain Extension: Select this option to include or exclude domain extension of choice.
        1. Select all available domain extensions criteria
        2. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
    2. Demographic
      1. Job Function: Select this option to include or exclude job functions
        1. Select all available job functions criteria
        2. Click on close icon or save button to close the modal
      2. Job Level: Select this option to include or exclude job level
      3. Job Title: Select this option to input job title to include or exclude I
    3. Intent
      1. Intent Topic: Search to select topic to include or exclude
        1. Select Topics or Related topics to be added
        2. Topics selected appears on selected topic section
        3. On each topic or related topics selected, select the intent level desired
          1. Intent Level can be Low, Medium, High
          2. Multiple intent levels can be selected per topic
          3. Results of the deliveries from Audience and Campaigns will also reflect the intent level options selected per topic
          4. By default, all intent levels are selected per topic
    4. Technographic
      1. Technology Install: Search to select Technology that you’d like to target in your Audience
    5. Lists
      1. Account List: This lists all Domain, Region and Site lists in the List library
        1. Search and or select any account list to include or exclude
      2. Contact List:
        1. Search and or select any Contact list to include or exclude in your Audience
      3. Account Sales Owner: Select Account Sales owner lists to include or exclude in your Audience
      4. Contact Sales Owner: Select Contact Sales owner lists to include or exclude a list in your Audience
      5. Note: We no longer differentiate between a Target List and Suppression list. A user can now exclude any type of list.
    6. Domain Limit
      1. Per Domain: Click to input the maximum contact to be delivered per domain
    7. Integrations: This lists all integrations associated with your account
      1. Hubspot: Lists of accounts are now imported directly from Hubspot CRM into Marketing Cloud. These lists are updated daily.
        1. You can choose a list from any Sales Owner account here for your audience
    8. Preview Audience
      1. Click on the preview Audience button to view possible counts based on the criteria selected for the audience, before saving the audience
      2. Click on Save to save your audience
      3. Click on Edit to continue audience editing