Anteriad Marketing Cloud 08.04.2022 Release Notes

Bug Fixes and Updates

Copying or Loading Audiences created by Another Account

Audiences created by another account in Marketing Cloud will now be able to be copied or loaded by other users with appropriate permissions. Previously, when users tried to copy or load an Audience created by a different account, the user was redirected to the Login page.

The following fixes were made:

  1. On the Audience page, when the "Any" option is selected from the Account dropdown and searched, Audiences from other accounts are loaded successfully.

Loaded Audience from another account instance

  1. On the Audience page, when the "Any" option is selected from the Account dropdown and searched, Audiences from other account instances can be copied successfully.

Web Visitor Intelligence Removed

Web Visitor Intelligence has been removed and will no longer be available. An updated version of Web Visitor Intelligence is being developed, and will be available in Marketing Cloud when completed.

The following update was made:

  1. Web Visitor Intelligence is no longer available under the Analytics tab.