Anteriad Marketing Cloud 04.08.2022 Release Notes

New Features

Updated Branding

Following the company rebrand announced on March 31, 2022, the Marketing Cloud has been updated with Anteriad branding.

Branding changes can be seen in the following areas:

-Updated logo
-Updated color palette


Signal Count replaced with Intent Score

Previously Signal Count was exposed in the Marketing Cloud in the following areas:

-Ordering of Topics, Locations, and Companies in results of InsightBase Campaigns
-Intent Trend in the Company Card
-Signal Count in the Company Card
-Intent Trend in the Company Card
-Company Intent Topics table in the Company Card

Intent Score will be now be used in place of Signal Count. Average score will be used areas where Intent Signals were previously summed across topics, companies, or dates. This is a more accurate representation of intent as it accounts for company size, where Signal Count was based on volume of signals and did not account for a given company’s size in comparison to other companies.

Expanded Intent Topics

The number of intent topics available in the Marketing Cloud has increased to over 8000. The topic dictionary has been updated to reflect the new topics.

Updated Intent Score Range

The range of intent scores show in the Marketing Cloud has been expanded from a range of 1-10 to 1-100. The new range provides a more granular view of intent levels. In conjunction with the new range, Positive, Neutral and Negative intent have been replaced with High, Medium and Low intent.

Download All Topics from Companies Spiking Chart

Users can now download a .csv file containing all topics included in the campaign from the Companies Spiking chart shown in InsightBase campaigns.

To download a .csv file containing all topics navigate to an InsightBase campaign and select find the Companies Spiking chart on the Dashboard Tab. Open the menu in the upper right corner of the chart and select Download CSV for All Topics. Follow the link in the pop up to download the file.